Join us for an insightful panel discussion on "Urban Water Resilience: How to Manage Extreme Weather Events: Experiences in Germany and Learnings for a Global Market" at the IFAT Blue Stage. Featuring diverse perspectives from industry leaders:
- Michael Natschke, Business Development Director at Xylem, representing a German international enterprise
- Andreas Bichler, CEO of Dehoust, representing a German SME
- Franziska Meinzinger, Head of Infrastructure Development at HAMBURG WASSER, providing the operator's perspective
- Dr. Detlef Klein, Senior Portfoliomanager of the KfW North Africa Department
- Vera Massie, Portfolio Manager Water – Competence Centre Climate and Environment, Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry NPC
While the title may initially suggest a focus on German experiences, technologies and know-how, our aim is to enrich the panel discussion with insights and experiences from abroad. We recognize that challenges and solutions vary across contexts, especially in regions heavily impacted by climate change, such as Northern and Southern Africa. The session aims to engage a diverse audience, including German and international companies, buyers, and investors interested in sustainable and innovative urban water resilience solutions. Join us for a dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives.