The presentation session will focus on innovative process engineering approaches for the safe removal of critical substances (e.g. microplastics, PFAS) from the valuable resource of water.
Three moderated contributions will focus on current technology offerings.
from 15:30 Welcome and short introduction
Peter Gebhart, VDMA Process Plant and Equipment
15:32 AIX-Net WWR – Aachen Network for Waste Water Reuse
Andrea Lanfermann, Fraunhofer Institut für Lasertechnik ILT
15:50 Filtering microplastics with innovative woven metal mesh solutions
Dominik Herper, GKD – Gebr. Kufferath AG
16:05 PFAS-Elimination from production wastewater of a chemical company in the Netherlands
Elmar Billenkamp, EnviroChemie GmbH
16:20 Closing Remarks
Andrea Lanfermann / Peter Gebhart
Moderation: Peter Gebhart / Andrea Lanfermann