Waste solutions for a circular economy in India project under the Mitigation Action Facility incorporates a Risk Sharing Facility to provide guarantees to waste entrepreneurs together with the State bank SIDBI in India. This approach enables Entrepreneurs to invest in their businesses and into new infrastructure. The City Climate Finance Gap Fund provides a range of technical assistance and capacity building to support climate-smart planning and investment in cities in developing and emerging countries. tr8fin is a digital platform that enables all German businesses to export their goods and services to the world markets and acts as an interface for all parties involved (exporter, importer, Euler Hermes, private export insurance companies and banks) Together with representatives of the Indian Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA), SIDBI and other important financiers like KfW and Euler Hermes we will explore in a panel discussion which financial elements are needed to boost circular economy and enable the waste management sector to reach the next level.
Partner / Organizer
German RETech Partnership e.V.
GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH